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Recipe For a Good Day!

Sometimes, we find ourselves just existing. Our day to day tasks can seem like monotonous chores. It's life! You just gotta do what ya gotta do, and that's not always fun. Happiness is an inside job. We have to take ownership of our responsibilities while placing intentionality behind our general happiness. With anything, consistency is key, so I've outlined my routine to maintaining a mindset that centers on making the best of each day!


1 Morning Routine

2 Fistfuls of Prayer

5 Self Affirmations

Unlimited Kindness

3 Balanced Meals

Immeasurable Gratitude


Set Your Ritual

Technically, my morning routine starts at night before bed. During the week, I get my work clothes out, pack my work bag, my gym bag and my lunch. I also have a running to-do list my head for priorities I want to tackle at work and I write my personal tasks or appointments in my planner. This prep makes my mornings so much easier! Moreover, it's much easier to keep myself organized. On warm mornings, I get up at 5:45, throw on my workout clothes, and head to my complex's gym. I make sure be back at my apartment by 7:00 to shower. Then I get dressed. All that's left is to grab my bags and go! Since it's been cold, I just sleep in until 7:00, then get ready for work....I go to the gym at my office building after work so I don't have to face the elements so many times!

More Prayer, More Power

Prayer is the start button to my morning routine. As soon as I wake up, I thank God for a new day! Even when I get distracted and wait until I'm completely dressed, my energy is not fully awakened until I pray. I talk to God about my goals for the day or the week, I ask for forgiveness, and I pray for my family and friends to have a good day. While I'm getting dressed, I listen to prayer podcasts or sermons. This puts me in the mind frame that I'm ready to win the day! When you start with Jesus, it's hard to fail!

"I've come to the realization that I am who I say I am. Our thoughts and words become our reality. "

You Are Who You Say You Are

It took me a while to really buy into self affirmations. In the past, I tried, but it didn't really stick. I think it's because I honestly didn't believe what I was attempting to speak over myself. I've come to the realization that I am who I say I am. Our thoughts and words become our reality. Now, I save affirmations on Pinterest, I write them on sticky notes at work; I make lists of them on my phone; then, I read them to myself aloud whenever I come across them. Before I head into the office, I just say a few to myself as I enter the building. For instance, "I am happy and blessed!" or "I am capable of giving love today!" In doing this, I'm reminding myself of who God says I am! Isn't it so comforting to know that His is the only opinion that matters? Try starting your morning with five self affirmations, and see if you feel a boost of confidence and enthusiasm to power through your day!

Kindness is Contagious

I'm a firm believer that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Kindness begets kindness, and it's free! Sometimes, people can make it difficult, but make an effort to be nice! Say hello! Give a compliment! Buy someone's coffee! Kindness is contagious, so someone will pick up on your example. Even if you don't see instant good karma, it still feels good to know that you're an ambassador of joy out here! So go be that!

Eat Well

A balanced diet is essential to providing the necessary nutrients to keep your body healthy; I've always taken that fact for granted. I have a serious problem with sugar, I'm addicted to sweets. With age, I've noticed that what I eat really affects how I feel. Until about a year ago, I could eat horribly and maybe I'd suffer an occasional upset stomach. But now, if I'm not careful, my diet can affect my stomach, my skin, my sleep, and cause headaches and fatigue. My solution has been meal prep! I pack simple grab & go items like fruit, yogurt, granola or Lara bars for breakfast. I cook lean proteins like turkey or chicken with veggies and brown rice for lunch. I usually stick to salad for dinner to keep it light. When I'm craving sweets, I try to eat fruit or a spoon of peanut butter instead....but I still indulge in a cookie from time to time.

Attitude of Gratitude

The secret to making every day a good day is to be grateful for the present moment. Learn to find small things to be thankful for. Relish the good weather, savor a tasty meal, celebrate your small wins. There are evenings that I make it home, and it hits me, "Wow! I went to my job that sustains me, I made it home safely to my apartment that I'm blessed enough to pay for, I didn't miss any meals, and I probably had some fun along the way! God is so amazing!" These seem like normal things, but these are not small blessings because many people in the world are living without the essentials. Even when things aren't perfect, count it all joy. Pain serves to teach us lessons. Understand that everything is always going to work out for your good. Take time at the end of every day to count your blessings. That simple act will align your focus to everything good in your life. Many times, we end up realizing we have so much more to be grateful for than we have to complain about. Attitude is everything, so you have the power to make every day great so long as you choose to see it that way!



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